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Canoe Brigade 2023

Writer's picture: Cecil ChabotCecil Chabot

Arriving in Moose Factory on Tuesday, August 1 for the combined

Gathering of Our People, Creefest & More Than 350 Nipin Celebration

  • Open to all ages, skill-levels, capacities.

  • Paddle canoes, kayaks, and freighter canoes welcome.

  • Start from anywhere on Moose River watershed or James Bay.

  • Join an existing group (see below) or organize your own.

  • Join or plan a multi-day trip, an overnight trip, or a half-day trip.

  • Families with elders and young children can join in freighter canoes on the last day.

Pre-arrival meeting point at southern tip of Hayes Island, August 1 @ 2 pm

The main canoe brigade will meet at the southern tip of Hayes Island between 1 and 2 pm for a lunch break before descending the last stretch to Moose Factory Island, where they will pass in front of the dykes and the public docks before arriving at the shoreline in front of the MoCreebec Grounds.


Canoe Brigade Welcome, BBQ and GOOP / Creefest / More than 350 Opening Ceremonies:

  • The welcome of the canoe brigade will be followed by a BBQ hosted by MoCreebec and co-sponsored by Canadore College. (There will also be a special Canadore College alumni dinner at the EPR Centre).

  • The Opening Ceremonies for the combined Gathering of Our People, Creefest and More than 350 Nipin Celebration will take place at the arena after the BBQ and Canadore Dinner.


Filming and Photography Notice:

The More than 350 Documentary Film team and a photographer will be recording the event.

  • Permission to be filmed as part of the background footage is assumed by participation.

  • Permission will be requested for documentary film close-ups and interviews.

  • Photos will be available afterwards.


Emergency Services and Support Boats:

Emergency services and support boats will be provided by Sutherland Exploration Services.

ORCKA Canoe Certification Course for Youth: July 29 & 30:

Youth can prepare by signing up for the canoe certification course offered on July 29 and 30 by the John R. Delaney Youth Centre.


 Youth Brigade from the French River – July 31 to August 1 or August 1 only:

  • For youth 13+ from the Omushkego region or visiting from elsewhere.

  • Organized by the John R. Delaney Youth Centre and co-sponsored by the Moose River Heritage and Hospitality Association, Mushkegowuk Youth Department, MoCreebec Eeyoud Health, Moose Cree Community Activators, Moose Cree Tourism, and Moosonee Recreation.


Tricentennial Commemorative Brigade from Mileage 151 –July 30 to August 1:

  • Open to anyone, especially participants in the 1973 Tricentennial canoe brigade, their descendants, and friends.

  • Depart Moosonee by afternoon train on Sunday, July 30, get off at mileage 151 and paddle back with camping at Big Asp Island on the first night and French River on the second night.

  • Lead organizer: Phil Sutherland (son of original 1973 canoe brigade participant, Philip Sutherland Sr.) –




Thank you to Ontario Northland for providing transportation to the canoe brigade.

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