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Employment Opportunities

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Entrepreneurship & Holistic Development Lead - Application Form

Thank you for your interest in this position. We will respond to all applicants who submit this form. Our intention is to start interviews during the week of August 12. We will continue to accept applications until the position is filled.

Describe your connection to the Moose River region or Moose Cree Homeland.
I live in Moose Factory or Moosonee.
I have lived in, or have a connection to, the Moose River region or the Moose Cree homeland & I can move back for work.
I have lived in, or have a connection to, a neighbouring Omushkego or Eeyou homeland and & I could move to the Moose River area for work.
I live elsewhere in the Moose Cree Homeland, and could work remotely and travel easily for work.
What level of education have you completed?
Are you willing and able to work from home if needed?
Yes, and I prefer this.
Yes, if needed.
It would be challenging.
Are you willing and able to work flexible hours, as needed?
Yes, I like having flexible hours.
Yes, to a limited degree.
It would be difficult.
Yes, with some constraints or conditions

We sometimes have intensive periods of work, or need to work evenings or weekends for special events or meetings with volunteers who are unable to meet during the day. Extra hours worked would be taken off from regular work hours (i.e. you could come in late if you are working late, or take Monday off if you need to work on a Saturday, etc).

Are you willing and able to travel for work, as needed?
Yes, I like travelling for work
Yes, if needed.
It would be difficult.
Yes, with some constraints or conditions

This position will involve travel for meetings between Moosonee and Moose Factory, other regional communities, and it may require travel outside Ontario and even internationally.

Upload a sample of your writing (report, policy paper, academic paper, grant proposal, planning document, meeting minutes, creative writing piece, article, book chapter, thesis chapter, professional writing of another kind).


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