Concert & Fundraiser (new date to be confirmed)
Date and time is TBD
|Old St. Thomas + Facebook Livestream
Join us for carols, a hot drink and an opportunity to support the restoration of our iconic heritage building for use by our entire community

Time & Location
Date and time is TBD
Old St. Thomas + Facebook Livestream, Moose Factory, ON P0L 0A2, Canada
About the event
UPDATE: This event has been postponed out of respect for community members who are in their final journey home, and their families. A new date will be announced later.
Follow the Star.
Join the Wisemen by a fire.
Bring your gift, voice and mug for hot chocolate or tea, with cookies.
Help light up Old St. Thomas again.
Join us outside Old St. Thomas Church for a short fundraising concert and learn more about the Regional Appeal of the Šawelihcikewin Fundraising Campaign to restore and renew Old St. Thomas to serve our entire community in ways old and new.